College of Marine & Environmental Sciences Academic Essay

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College of Marine & Environmental Sciences Academic Essay

Requirements for completion of subject

To pass this subject you must:

Attend each of the four workshops + attend one of the introductory sessions. (Attendance roll will be taken for each)
Fully prepare for and actively participate in each of the four workshops. While this aspect of the subject attracts no formal credits, the examiners’ committee will consider your preparation and participation in workshops, in particular when deciding on borderline cases.
Gain a minimum of 40% for each graded assessment item (the proposal grade for this purpose takes the formative and summative grades together as a weighted mean. Ie those students gaining less than 40% for the formative assessment can improve the overall grade for the proposal to bring it to >40% over all.)
Gain a minimum of 50% over all graded items

Please note that the final grade for the subject is always subject to final ratification following the examination period and that no single result represents a final grade in a subject.

Students may ask for a review of any piece of assessable work within two weeks of receiving their assessment. Such review may involve a re-mark of the piece of work; however, any re-mark may also result in downgrading of the assessable work. Students who wish to appeal against an assessment should first consult the marker of the assessment. If the matter is not resolved the subject coordinator may be able to suggest a resolution. If the matter remains unresolved, the matter may be escalated to the Dean of College. See the Policy on ‘Review of Assessment and Student Access to Scripts and Materials’ at:

Feedback on student learning

You will receive formative evaluation at least twice during the semester. Staff will provide constructive critique of your project proposal before you submit the same assessment for a summative evaluation. You will receive peer evaluation of your presentation before the final presentation is uploaded for summative peer evaluation. Throughout the subject you are encouraged to seek and give feedback from/to fellow students. You will document feedbacks given and received in your learning portfolio.

In addition you may consult and seek the advice of staff members within their area of responsibility to the subject, either during face-to-face teaching sessions or outside classes (see staff availability in section 1.1)

Graded works or feedback on graded works will be returned to you in compliance with the JCU Learning and Teaching policy.
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions