Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper Your task is to create an original Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper for your company or organization

September 20, 2020
Hypotheses and Test Statistics
September 20, 2020

Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper Your task is to create an original Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper for your company or organization

Unit Assignments

Unit II Article Review

For this assignment, choose an article from SAGE Journal Articles on clicking the Student Resources tab then selecting Journal Articles on the left menu. You may choose any article from Chapters 1-3 so long as the article is at least five pages in length.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice reviewing articles that contribute to the industry. The authors of these articles are researchers and professionals that have shared or experimented with ideas that demonstrate potential to improve the industry. As a professional in the industry, it is in your best interest to review the literature and trends. This provides you with the opportunity to read about what was successful and how they accomplished it. Plus, it allows you to analyze what was unsuccessful, how you can improve it, or at least avoid repeating the mistakes of others. These skills are vital when contributing to research papers and other scholarly writing. If you have not already, hopefully you’ll contribute to the industry by publishing an article and sharing with your community of peers.

As you read the articles, consider the following questions: ? Who were the stakeholders in the article?

  • What was the firm’s corporate reputation?
  • How could the topic of this article apply to your personal or professional life?
  • How could it apply to an organization you have observed?
  • What conclusions can you draw about the ethical issues facing business leaders?

Your first paragraph should briefly introduce and summarize the article while identifying the author’s main points. Your Article Review should be at least 500 words in length, double spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font, with references and direct quotes in APA format. Title page, abstract, and running head are not required.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit III Case Study

Read Case Study 1, “Bernie Madoff: How “One Big Lie” Can Destroy Thousands of Lives,” on pages 258-264. Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author, and discuss the major issues presented in the case. Review the “Questions for Thought.” Answer the four “Questions for Thought” using the business ethics principles from the textbook.

Your summary of the author’s viewpoint and your discussion of the major issues presented in the case must be in paragraph form. However, your responses to the four “Questions for Thought” can be answered either in paragraph form or as a numbered list. Ensure to include your summary of the author’s viewpoint, your discussion of the ethical issues facing Bernie Madoff, and your responses to the questions.

Deliverable length is a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font. Title page, abstract, and running head are not required; however, if you paraphrase or quote words or ideas from your course textbook or other resources, you must cite your sources following the APA style citation guidelines.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit IV Outline

The Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper is a significant project for this course. To stay on track, this assignment asks you to create an outline. Please review the Course Project in Unit VII, titled Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper. An outline is a great way to organize the ideas that you want to communicate within a paper, or any form of writing.

For your outline, include the following:

  1. Identify the topic. The topic of your paper is important. Try to sum up the point of your paper in one sentence or phrase that is original and topic focused, well developed, and thought provoking. This will help your paper stay focused on the main point.
  2. Identify the main categories. What main points will you cover? The introduction usually introduces all of your main points, should flow logically, and is effectively linked to the main topic. Then the rest of paper can be spent developing those points.
  3. Create the first category. What is the first point you want to cover? If the paper centers around a complicated term, a definition is often a good place to start. For a paper about a particular theory, giving the general background on the theory can be a good place to begin.
  4. Create subcategories. After you have the main point, create points under it that provide support for the main point. The number of subcategories that you use depends on the amount of information you are going to cover; there is no right or wrong number to use as long as each point is compelling or persuasive in support of the main category. Keep in mind there are 15 content areas to the course project.

By convention, each category consists of a minimum of two entries. If your first category is Roman numeral I, your outline must also have a category labeled Roman numeral II; if you have a capital letter A under category I, you must also have a capital letter B. Whether you then go on to have capital letters C, D, E, is up to you, depending on the amount of material you are going to cover. You are required to have a minimum of two of each numbered or lettered categories.


  1. First main category
  2. First subcategory
  3. Second subcategory
  4. Second main category
  5. First subcategory
  6. Second subcategory

This assignment also allows you to work with your professor, who can offer guidance and direction to help you successfully complete the Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper. The deliverable minimum length for this outline is 300 words, double spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font.

Use your own words and prepare your outline in a word-processing application (i.e., Word). Submit it as one of the following file formats: DOC, DOCX, or PDF.

The Columbia Southern University Writing Center has a short presentation covering outlines that may help you in completing this assignment. Log on to myCSU Student Portal, then select Learning Resources from the banner menu. Next, select Writing Guide and scroll down to find the link to the “Creating an Outline” presentation.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit V Case Study

Read Case Study 8, “Google: Don’t Be Evil Unless…” on pages 308-315.

Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author, and discuss the major issues presented in the case. Review the

“Questions for Thought.” Answer the four “Questions for Thought” using the business ethics principles from the textbook.

Your summary of the author’s viewpoint and your discussion of the major issues presented in the case must be in paragraph form. However, your responses to the four “Questions for Thought” can be answered either in paragraph form or as a numbered list. Ensure to include your summary of the author’s viewpoint, your discussion of the ethical issues facing Google, and your responses to the questions.

Deliverable length is a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font. Title page, abstract, and running head are not required; however, if you paraphrase or quote words or ideas from your course textbook or other resources, you must cite your sources following the APA style citation guidelines.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VII Course Project

Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper

Your task is to create an original Code of Ethics and Evaluation Paper for your company or organization. You may also choose to create a Code of Ethics for a fictitious company or organization if you prefer not to use your employer. Codes of conduct for military do not qualify for this assignment. In your company Code of Ethics, please include the following:

  • guiding principles,
  • purpose of the code,
  • core values,
  • training and education,
  • definitions,
  • what employees it covers,
  • how it will be implemented/communicated,
  • how it will be enforced and reported,
  • mission statement, and
  • other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive Code of Ethics.

The Evaluation part is to include the following:

  • stakeholders,
  • strategic ethical formulation,
  • strategic ethical implementation, ? ethical monitoring mechanisms, and
  • ethical performance.

Please include a short introduction and background of the company/organization and a summary of the Code of Ethics and Evaluation in the paper. This assignment must be at least 2000 words in length, double spaced, and 12pt New Times Roman font. The title page and reference pages are not included in the required paper length. CSU requires that students use the APA format in writing course papers. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Your paper should contain at least five references in addition to the textbook and may include Internet sources, books, and professional journals or other pertinent resources. Do not copy or plagiarize others materials. Use references less than four years old.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

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