Cloud computing provides many new capabilities that large and small organizations find very attractive

Evaluate the Current Layout by computing a load distance score for the current layout
July 8, 2020
Accounting Ethics
July 8, 2020

Cloud computing provides many new capabilities that large and small organizations find very attractive

You may use any resources at your disposal.

For these questions please be sure to use a standard essay format; introduction, body and conclusion.  The total number of words should be 2000 for
3 questions.


Please complete and chose
any 3
of the following essay questions.  In your answer please concentrate on explaining the process, and the types of thinking that need to go into the situation.  Your grade will be based not only on what you say but also on how you say it.  Please take some time to organize your thinking before you begin writing.  You may want to develop an outline as the basis for your writing.  Grammar counts, as does the organization and thoroughness of your answer.  Please be sure to answer all parts of the question!

Question 1:
Cloud computing provides many new capabilities that large and small organizations find very attractive.  The problem is that it also has issues associated with it that are different from those associated with a physical owned environment.  Describe the business case for cloud computing.  Why would an organization choose to use a public or private cloud for all or part of their computing architecture?

Question 2:
There are four major deployment models for cloud computing: Public, private, hybrid and community.  Describe the differences between the deployment models and why an organization would rely on one over another?

Question 3:
In class we spent a lot of time discussing the different architectures and services that can be used to implement applications on the cloud.  Describe the role of the load balancer service as it relates to the implementation of an elastic architecture in a web application on the AWS cloud.

Question 4:
When it comes to replicating a database the business case for replication is very compelling, and conceptually it sounds like an easy thing to do.  Describe why creating a database that lives up to the requirements of ACID is such a difficult thing to actually implement.

Question 5:
  As we saw with the women developing the Nabbesh social networking site access to the cloud gives application developers in the developing world access to the same datacenter infrastructure as developers in the US and Western Europe.  How do you feel this access will impact the Middle East and Africa and what effect do you think this will have on your career over the next five years, ten years?  How do you think your career will change over this same time frame and how do you plan to keep yourself up-to-date in your skills?

Question 6:
The mantra that I have used throughout the semester is that the workload needs to match the architecture.  Why is this concept so important and describe the types of workloads that would match three different architectures.  You can use Visio drawing to illustrate your answer.  What is it about the workload that makes it a good fit for the architecture?

Question 7:
Many enterprise applications are built in a multi-tiered architecture.  Why, what is it about a multi-tiered architecture that allows it to better match the

Workload generated by some enterprise applications? 

Question 8:
In class we discussed the interrelationship between the Incident Response Policy, the Disaster Recovery Policy and the Business Continuity Policy.  As the CISO of a regional manufacturer in Colorado Springs, USA you are very concerned about the forest fires that have burned within ten miles of your facility.  Describe the interrelationship of these three policies as they relate to a forest fire burning your facility (or another disaster, natural or otherwise) that you can think of.  How would you declare it to be an incident, respond to it as a disaster and try to keep your business going as you try to get back to normal operations?

Question 9:
There are two general classifications of databases SQL and Non-SQL.  I general terms describe the differences between them and outline cases where one would be more appropriate than the other.  

Question 10:
You did a project for this class that I left pretty open for you to decide.  Do you think the project you did reflected a topic of importance to enterprise computing and if so why and if not why not?