Resistance to Soviet Domination: East Germany – Instructor Discussion Question
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Climate Academic Essay

APA format in Word

No minimum word count.

9 questions, some are 2 parts.


Abbott, P. (2013) Natural Disasters 9th edition. McGraw-Hill.

Equilibrium Stream, Flash vs. Regional Floods, & Urbanization Effects

The 1993 Mississippi River flood

Assign. 1. In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

1. What were the weather conditions that produced the flood? How long did the flood water take to pass through the entire river system?

2. What measures were taken to protect cities from flooding?

Control of flood waters requires that many decisions be made. Should more miles of levees be built? Should existing levees be built higher? Should the river bottom be dredged deeper?

Should more flood waters be diverted out of the river channel into farmland and rural communities? Should the river course be shortened by cutting through meander bends?

Evaluate each of your decisions against the knowledge that the river is an equilibrium system that will work against some human constructions.

Wildfire & Fire Fighting; Mass Movements & Gravity

The 2007 Witch Creek fire in Southern California

In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

1. What are the damage statistics of the Witch Creek fire? Was it fuel or wind driven? Why is the chaparral vegetation of the area so prone to burn?

2. What were the lessons learned from “The Trails” housing development?

How could The Trails subdivision been designed and built in ways to avoid having so many houses catch fire? How can you protect a house from flying embers?

Subsidence & Falls; Flows of Rock & Snow; Slides & Mitigation

The 2014 “Oso mudslide” in Washington

In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

1. The “Oso mudslide” was actually two separate events that occurred a few minutes apart. Describe what the earth/rock/mud did during each part of each event [Hint: neither was a mudslide.

What role did the river play in setting up the slope failure? Why were the rocks in the hill so weak? What were they? How old were they?

What could / would you say to convince strong-minded people living in a beautiful rural setting in an unincorporated area that their landslide threat was so dangerous that they should give up their houses and land and move somewhere else?

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions