Client projects follow basic steps:
Client identifies a problem/issue to be addressed
Client provides a PROJECT BRIEF that generally describes the nature of the problem/issue
Client asks interested companies/consultants to BID for the work
Consultants submit a report that clearly shows and explains how they would do the study
The Client selects the bid that best fits their needs
The Client gives the successful Consultant the money to do the work
The Consultant does the tasks that were identified in the BID report
Your job in this assignment is to complete Step 4 based on a choice of Client projects that WE will provide
You will not be expected to work out the costs of the project – we want you to focus on the relevant methods to use
Proposal will be in one page and in the format of A3 report
If i win the bid from my course tutor then i can proceed to the final report which is 6000 words.