Reflective Journal (teaching in the 21st century)
June 19, 2020
Case Study: The Virtual Police Department
June 19, 2020

classical or jazz composer

classical or jazz composer

Paper details:
READ THE ENTER PAGE Write a 4-5 page paper (double-spaced) on a composer of your choice. You may pick either a classical or jazz composer. ( I pick Dmitri Shostakovich.) Here is one possible approach for your paper. Include a basic overview of the composer’s life including background, musical training, musical influences and one or two key compositions. You could also write about one specific work that had a major impact on future composers. Beethoven’s 5th symphony is one such example. If you have a unique idea for a paper and it ties in with the class, run it by me – I love creativity. Whatever you write on, do not copy and paste sentences from the internet and then change a few words – this is called plagiarism. If you do this, your paper will receive a zero and could receive academic discipline. Your paper must be in your own words. If you quote an author, you must give the writer credit by either using quotations marks or footnotes. For example: According to John Smith, “Beethoven’s 5th Symphony changed the way composers thought about the symphony.” Although quotes are can be part of a paper, don’t make most of your papers quotes. Use MLA format for your paper. Provide a bibliography at the end of your paper and include a minimum of two sources and also use MLA format. Please do not insert pictures. There should only be text.