Western Civilization.
October 14, 2020
October 15, 2020

class work

Topic: class work

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Chapter 18

1. a)What is the difference between non lethal and lethal violence
against women. b)Provide at least two examples of each type of
violence. c)What are some factors about the role of women in society
that helps to promote violence against women. d)Provide a policy or
program to help address the issue of violence against women.

Chapter 19

2. a)What is the difference between rape and sexual assault?
b)Describe four rape myths discussed in this chapter. c)How and why do
you think such myths emerge? d)Provide a policy or program that can
provide rape and sexual assault victims with more confidence in the
justice system.

Chapter 20

3. a)In the United states, how has the historical legacy surrounding
rape and slavery impacted b)how this society deals with rape victims
today; c)the tolerance of rape and d)the treatment of minority groups.

Chapter 21

4. a)Why don’t battered women leave? b)Explain why this question is
not the appropriate question to ask a domestic violence victim and why
society uses this question to deal with the issue of domestic
violence. c)What are 3 reasons why it is difficult for victims to
leave and d)provide an example of each.

Chapter 28

5. Recognition that trafficking of immigrants is a serious form of
victimization of women has been very slow to surface. a)Identify what
countries were first affected by the issue of human trafficking, b)and
provide 3 reasons for this delay in recognition. c)Provide 2 reasons
why the problem of trafficking is getting more attention today then it
has in the past 20 years. d)What needs to be done in order for the
problem of trafficking to be addressed properly?