CJ524 Community Based Unit 2

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CJ524 Community Based Unit 2

CJ524 Community Based Unit 2

Order Description

Complete Written Assignment: Create a Community Corrections Recommendation
As a probation officer you are often required to complete Pre-Sentence Investigation (PSI) Reports for the District Court Judge whom will highly regard your recommendation for sentencing. Review the case file provided to prepare a written report to be given to the judge, the district attorney and the defense attorney about the offender. Take into consideration the offender’s background, and history of criminal activity.

Review the Case File.

In this Assignment, you will write a 4–6 page essay based on the scenario presented. Download the documents listed below for this Assignment. Then write an essay that addresses each of the elements listed below.

Your paper should address the following questions or issues:

What specific elements of the defendant’s case qualify him/her for a community-based program?
Discuss the various types of community-based programming options.
Identify the different types of community-based sanctions.
Explain what type of community-based corrections program you would recommend along with any sanctions; be sure to explain the reasoning behind each of the sanctions recommended.
Describe how this defendant’s case should be managed and what level of supervision should be given.
In addition to the course materials, use other scholarly resources to support your arguments.
These questions and issues need not be stated verbatim within the paper, but addressed as part of the essay.

Your paper format should be as follows:

Cover sheet
Body of the paper (4–6 pages)
All text should be double-spaced and in 12-point font
Use a minimum of two additional resources in addition to your textbook
(PLEASE NOTE: This scenario essay will require outside research)

The paper should contain a cover page and a list of references in APA format. All internal citations of outside sources plus the listing of all references should also adhere to APA format. All text pages should be double-spaced and in 12-point font.

To get the review file: www.kaplan.com
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