Civil Protest and Civil Rights.

Prospective Analysis: Valuation Implementation
September 7, 2020
Identify the actions and resources required for implementing the proposal once adopted.
September 7, 2020

Civil Protest and Civil Rights.

Civil Protest and Civil Rights
Think about how the civil rights movement took shape in the 1950s. The difficulties of confronting a deeply ingrained social order like segregation were significant, and challenging that order often meant very real risks, including death. Nonetheless, in events like the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955, the sit-in wave that began in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960, and uncountable freedom rides and public marches, civil rights activistsled mostly by blacks but with substantial help from white alliessuccessfully challenged the old order. Consider the difficulties civil rights activists faced in organizing at the grassroots and convincing national-level political leaders to support the cause.
Write an essay of 500 to 1000 words that explains how civil rights advocates successfully challenged and overthrew the system of segregation.
Your essay should include:
Discussion of the factors that led to increased activism and solidarity at the grassroots level
Discussion of the role that elected officials within the federal government played in guaranteeing citizenship rights to all Americans