Civil enforcement and criminal enforcement

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October 11, 2020
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October 11, 2020

Civil enforcement and criminal enforcement

Difference between civil enforcement and criminal enforcement as applied to violations of environmental regulations and laws

Question 1 (50 points): What is the difference between civil enforcement and criminal enforcement as applied to violations of environmental regulations and laws? Be specific and use examples to illustrate your answer.

Question 2 (50 points): If you were to found your own society, describe the detailed environmental enforcement system you would put into place. State the goals and philosophy of your enforcement system. Justify each component and explain why your enforcement system would be effective. Back up your choices with real world data and/or examples to help justify your proposal.

In both essays, cite all sources used both within and at the end of your answer. A fully developed response should go beyond your textbook and required readings (although may include them), have multiple citations from valid sources (no wiki-anything; use .gov, .edu. or .org websites) and should avoid direct quotes from others; rather relying on your own synthesis.