The Washington Post
May 11, 2020
Reasonable Women’s Standard
May 11, 2020

cisgendered privilege

cisgendered privilege

choose one of the following question. if you need any material please sent a message to me instead calling me. Thank you
1. Define what Serano means by cisgendered privilege. How does it operate and what are the
effects of it? How does this relate to Connell?s notion of the ?patriarchal dividend?? How do
these things impact you (either as benefactor or target)?
2. Interpret the following quote, making sure you provide concrete examples from at least 2 of the
books assigned in the course:
I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because
they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves.
We’ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won’t.
Audre Lorde
3. Here is a science fiction question for you?.imagine you have made first contact with a creature
from out of space. The visitor is completely gender neutral, has no differentiation in terms of
body parts or a gendered division of labour of any kind. Write an essay about what it would
look like for the visitor to accompany you for a full day?.include a discussion of how you would
explain your very gendered existence.
4. Write a response to Margaret Wente?s recent article in the Globe and Mail:

5. Muscio talks about reclaiming the power of ?cunt lovin? women. Part of that means to reclaim
control over their sexuality and reproduction.