chronic disease risk and prevention through physical fitness

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chronic disease risk and prevention through physical fitness

prepare a personal assessment of chronic disease risk and prevention through physical fitness:

Part I: Assess Yourself

Using the Health History Questionnaire (HHQ) in the ACSM Health Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual on pages 20-22 and 50, list all modifiable risk factors that increase your chance of getting cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, cancer, obesity, and osteoporosis. Rank the list from highest to lowest. Which ones pertain to you? How can you address them through a personal fitness program? Be specific.

Part II: Assess a Friend

Do the same for a friend or family member using the same diseases (CVD, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis). How can you, as a health educator, assist them in preventing or modifying their risk for these diseases through fitness? What resources would you use? Be specific.

Prepare a 3-5 page paper based on the above requirements (not including title page and reference page) and list at least three scholarly references. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.