Bad Sex Media Bingo Assignment-Go to and familiarize yourself with the project.
-Then go to: to read an explanation of each square.
-Then choose your favorite TV show, movie, or documentary that deals with sex or includes sexual content, and play Bad Sex Media Bingo!
-If you want to play interactively, go to:
-Then, after reading these instructions, answer the following questions in ESSAY format (see above Grading Rubric for Assignments & Worksheets for exact breakdown of points). Be sure the paper is detailed and uses examples from the film/show you watched to back up the arguments and analysis you are making.1-)Which media did you watch (name of TV show/film)?
2-)What was the premise of the show/film?
3-)How many bingo squares did you cover?
4-)Which squares did you cover and WHY? (be sure to give a detailed explanation as to why you covered those squares using specific examples from the show/film. Be sure to make connections to class discussions and the OCR).
5-)Make an overall assessment: Did the show/film challenge a lot of the stereotypes around sex that we see in the media? Or did the show replicate/repeat a lot of the same stereotypes that we are constantly fed in the media around sex?