Choose an organization with which you are familiar that is currently unionized.

ACC 543 Exercise 15-17A: Identifying Cost Behavior Identify the following costs as fixed or variable.
June 2, 2020
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June 2, 2020

Choose an organization with which you are familiar that is currently unionized.

Choose an organization with which you are familiar that is currently unionized.

Outline the organization chosen by including the following:

Provide brief background information on your chosen organization.

Identify legal issues and obstacles that this organization could encounter.

Determine which federal, state, or local laws could be broken because of these legal issues and why.

Provide recommendations to minimize possible litigation.

Write a paper of no more than 700 words discussing the effects of the union on the chosen organization. Address the following questions:

What are the organization’s benefits of joining a union?

What is the unionization process?

How does a union bargain?

What effects does union bargaining have on the organization?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.