Chinese Students’ Discrimination in the US for a Cause and Effect Essay

Brazilian educational reform
September 21, 2020
Different access methods
September 21, 2020

Chinese Students’ Discrimination in the US for a Cause and Effect Essay

New students who come to America either for a full scholarship or even a partial study abroad program face many forms of discrimination in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Below are some topics on the subject matter to help you select a cause and effect essay topic for your next assignment:

  1. How Some Chinese Students Who Do Not Read or Write in English at Fluent Levels Are Unable to Properly Understand Any Forms They Are Required to Fill out, often Resulting in Misunderstandings about Things such as School Policy or Legal Matters
  2. How Chinese Students Do Not Receive Interpreters and May Be at a Disadvantage in terms of Medicinal Treatment They Need while Attending School in the United States
  3. How Chinese Students Face Barriers in Their Belief System
  4. How Chinese Students Might Find It Difficult to Find the Medical Attention They Require
  5. How Chinese Students Are Mocked by Other Subgroups in the Classroom
  6. Racial Slurs and Racial Discrimination Chinese Students Face in and out of the Classroom
  7. Discrimination against Chinese Students in the Food Available through Student Food Programs and on Campus
  8. Discrimination against Chinese Students in the Sports and Athletic Options Available to Students, such as Football and Soccer but Not Thai Chi or Kickboxing or Yoga
  9. Discrimination against Chinese Students in the Form of Ignorant Comments and Questions
  10. Discrimination against Chinese Students by the Government or Authority Figures Who May be Suspicious That the Student Is Conducting Cyber Warfare
  11. Discrimination against Chinese Students after They Complete Their Education, by Not Allowing Them to Get Jobs in and Remain in the United States, Forcing Them to Return Home with All of the Knowledge They Learned for Free in America
  12. Discrimination against Chinese Students in terms of Housing, Whereby Many Are Placed with Other Study-Abroad or International Students, often from Conflicting Cultures as a Way to Force Immersion
  13. How Chinese Students Face Social Differences without Any Guide of Proper Behaviors, Turns of Phrase, and Demeanors in America
  14. How Chinese Students Might Be Unaware of Proper Greetings or How to Use Body Language and Physical Contact
  15. How Chinese the Fact that Students Might Not Understand Colloquialisms and Proper English Taught in Schools May Be Grounds for Mocking
  16. How Chinese Students May Be Limited in Their Transportation Abilities