write a research paper based on the approved paper proposal. The paper accounts for 30% of your final grade. Your paper should be typed in double space, and 15-20
pages in length. It will be always helpful to search the Internet for the reference. But your main sources of citation must be academic journals and books. At a
minimum you should use 15 sources of academic journal articles and books.
You must use correct citation for your paper. Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s words or ideas without attributing the proper source. Feel free to rely on
someone else’s words, concepts, arguments, ideas, explanations, or descriptions, but make sure that anything you cite from the literature or anything that is not yours
must be properly footnoted. Students will receive F’s for plagiarized work. Your paper must conform to college-level standards of quality. Poor grammar or spelling and
improper citation style will be counted against your grade.
Term Paper Assignments and General Guidelines
1. In addition to a set of homework assignments, you are required to turn in a college-level analytical paper as a requirement of this course. Your paper should be
typed in double space, 15 pages in length, and stapled (unstapled paper will have points deduction). It will be always helpful to search the Internet for the
reference. But your main sources of citation must be academic journals and books. At a minimum you should use 15 sources of academic journal articles and books.
2. You must use correct citation for your paper. Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s words or ideas without attributing the proper source. Feel free to rely on
someone else’s words, concepts, arguments, ideas, explanations, or descriptions, but make sure that anything you cite from the literature or anything that is not yours
must be properly footnoted. Students will receive F’s for plagiarized work. It will be always helpful to search the Internet for the reference. But your main sources
of citation must be academic journals and books. ArticleFirst or Academic Elite Search in library databases on the website is the best place to start with. You can
always ask the reference desk for assistance or come to see me for help.
3. Your paper must conform to college-level standards of quality. Poor grammar or spelling and improper citation style will be counted against your grade. Your paper
will be graded on the following criteria: (1) your command of the material; (2) your analytical and critical skills; (3) your writing skills (clarity, organization,
grammar, and spelling); (4) your use of the readings; and (5) those critical aspects of writing a good paper addressed in the general guidelines. By consulting the
following general guidelines, you should get a good idea of how your paper will be evaluated.