Cell anatomy of the non ciliated simple columnar

Demonstrate the location and orientation of the f factor
April 12, 2020
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April 12, 2020

Cell anatomy of the non ciliated simple columnar

Question: Explain how the cell anatomy of the non-ciliated simple columnar epithelial lining of the small intestines cpmtributes to the overall function of the small intestines.

Question: I get conflicting results comparing how the examples are done with what I’m getting in the problem… Here goes..

Complementation tests of the recessive mutatn genes a through f produced the data in the accompanying matrix.  The circles represent missing data. Assuming that all of the missing mutant combinations would yield data consistent with the entries that are known, complete the table by filling each circle with a + or – as needed.

(I changed the circles for unknowns to question marks (?))

a b c d e f

a – + – ? + ?

b – ? ? ? –

c – – ? ?

d – ? ?

e – +

f –