Why does an individual’s Social Security benefits increase over time?
May 24, 2020
Diego Rivera
May 24, 2020

Causal Argument

Causal Argument

Choose an issue about the causes or consequences of a trend, event, or other phenomenon. Write a 3 page so approximately 825 word argument using at least 5 academic resources that persuades an audience to accept your explanation of the causes or consequences of your chosen phenomenon. Within your essay, be sure to do the following:
1. Examine alternative hypotheses or opposing views and explain your reasons for rejecting them.
2. Use the structure for a causal argument to write your essay.
Example of how the essay needs to be written:
Typically, causal arguments try to show how one event brings about another. When causal investigation focuses on material objects€”for example, one billiard ball striking another€”the notion of causality appears fairly straightforward. The most convincing kind of causal argument identifies every link in the causal chain, showing how an initiating cause leads step by step to an observed effect. A causes B, which causes C, which causes D. In some cases, all you have to do is fill in the missing links. In other cases€”when your assumptions about how one step leads to the next may seem questionable to your audience€”you have to argue for the causal connection with more vigor.