A department store chain is designing a layout for a new store. The store manager wants to provide as much convenience as possible for her customers. Based on historical data, the number of trips between departments per hour is given in the following closeness matrix. A block plan showing a […]
About 15000 words/55 pagesBachelor thesisRewriting preferred but i would like to receive an offer for writing from scratch.I prefer writers who have gained previous experiences within the field of tourism, tourism management, sociology, anthropology or cultural studies and who have an unique interest in scandinavian countries. Please provide me with […]
Number of Pages: 8 (Double Spaced) Writing Style: APA Number of sources: 8 An important part of our course is researching information on diversity and multiculturalism and its social, cultural, and ethical impact upon individual citizens, groups of people, and society at large. For this assignment, you will prepare a […]
Paper instructions: Have you read The Plague by Albert Camus? Well, you’re writing a journal as a narrator and a citizen of Oran! 🙂 Some ideas of what to write: introduce yourself, your and others worldview