
December 20, 2019

Epigenetics Reaction Paper

Epigenetics Reaction Paper You will be writing a 1,000 word Reaction Paper in this course using the instructions and links found below. You will be completing the following tasks and gathering the following information for your paper: Watch the epigenetics video from PBS. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in […]
December 20, 2019

Immunology and Serology

Immunology and Serology CASE 1 X-linked Agammaglobulinemia An absence of B lymphocytes. One of the most important functions of the adaptive immune system is the production of antibodies. it is estimated that a human being can make more than one million different specific antibodies. This remarkable feat is accom­ plished […]
December 20, 2019

Concentration Urine

Concentration Urine You may use any written references you deem necessary (e.g. lab manual, textbooks) but you MAY NOT consult with other students (past or present), other TAs, professors, neighbors, relatives, pets, extraterrestrials, friends (real or imaginary), beings from another plane of existence, etc. Please show all work, including appropriate […]
December 20, 2019

Human Gene Editing

Human Gene Editing For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic. Topic 1 : Jennifer Doudna on […]
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