Case study ,competitive business environment

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Case study ,competitive business environment

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Write up a report as will be defined down.


StudyGraup CASE SCENAR-ra

ch sPeczctlige-, in the manufacturing of bicycles. See /,,,,7 coifiPany whibianchi /it/Home/Home.cispx Blanch/. is. an It’ at hr, .y/ww .corri about the comP,7)/ bikes fans of all cycling of a.. ages and h ve lop, and produces _r_sroeluktkionngs . and a Junior’ range for kid:s. Raadbfk, moan a Blanc nhai de /5:: ::td: :/biaik nese:no-rm8); is. suffering  deep  a dee recession and this has negatively Lir/fort,€” e. with sales in decline, The Management Team of Bianchi wants t pushing sales and business in other markets. They have heard that the UK might be Icl°k Qt affectecibusiness, w k.,,t to go into. A part of the The Tour de France, the famous international cycling ea goroadce ,73,,,,,/ d in the UK in 2014 and Mr. Bianchi noted that lots of people turned alongtheroute ,,,,,,,._ watch it.



?.am are not sure what the competitive business environment i bicycle business, s like currpriti,,

As sessment 1: A CASE STUDY 62000.

business Env i r o nment

r*O’S C S C study= 50% of fic ssue date. 7thth November  Sub lectenng mission 2014

date: 78th November 2014 understanding €” requires thi you to meet th TO. n <,-i ts required for s piece of work: dg and uod #C2erctanding outcomes: iti   Cirid-,-, business   k  L’ icItid   the   impact of the economic envirorIment on

flaW Fic’w  Political  factors affect business’ Le€”,€ž. i, nn9 Outcomes, At EN-plain ho , specific organdSal-i° AnalYse how  f t political factors may ciffect .442 w changes in econotric and A, ow ac _ors impact on organisations fialyse how economic factors impact an organisations 44- i:7-7ValLiate how future changes in economic and political environment may impact the starteav of organisations , €”,ecomtnend strategies for organisations to undertake in response to their externo, er7Orontnent.

€”Ai7s€”essrnent Ltjak-‘-4€”-1 of met assessment

Kl. K2 I Case study A1-A5 I analysis