code of ethics
March 10, 2020
Mills Case For Freedom Of Expression Philosophy
March 10, 2020

Case Study

Fujiyama Electronics Case Study - Due Week 7
Objective | Project Deliverables | Grading Rubrics | Best Practices


This case study looks at the behavior of a circuit board process though the use of Control Charts. At least two Control Charts will need to be constructed, and from them you will asked to provide an assessment of you see. A template to facilitate the construction of the Control Charts has been provided.

Problem Statement
Fujiyama Electronics, Inc. has had difficulties with circuit boards purchased from an outside supplier. Unacceptable variability occurs between two drilled holes that are supposed to be ? apart on the circuit boards. 25 samples of 3 boards each were taken from shipments from the supplier as shown in the data from the worksheet. Data in the work sheet below can also be accessed here.

Fujiyama Electronics

Sample 1 2 3

1 414 388 402
2 408 382 406
3 396 402 392
4 390 398 362
5 398 442 436
6 400 400 414
7 444 390 410
8 360 372 362
9 376 398 382
10 342 400 402
11 400 402 384
12 408 414 388
13 382 430 400
14 402 409 400
15 399 424 413
16 460 375 445
17 404 420 437
18 375 380 410
19 391 392 414
20 394 399 380
21 396 416 400
22 370 411 403
23 481 450 451
24 398 398 415
25 428 406 390

Project Deliverables

The student will submit the completed case study in word document paper by the end of class week 7 to their Dropbox. The paper is worth 50 points.
The student will complete and/or answer the following questions.
1. Calculate X-Bar-Bar, R-Bar, and associated control limits using the data in the table above.
2. Create X-BarR (Average & Range) Control Charts from the data in table above.
3. Discuss notable out-of-control conditions displayed in the completed X-BarR (Average & Range) Control Charts. Only consider points outside the Control Limits. Do not consider runs, set of points within certain zones, etc.
4. If the conditions you note could be defined as assignable conditions and they are removed from the process, what will happen to the X-BarR Control Chart?
(a) Remove the data related to the out-of-control points you observed from the origainal data and recalculate a new X-Bar-Bar, R-Bar, and associated control limits.
(b) Create new X-BarR (Average & Range) Control Charts from your updated data.
5. Discuss how the two sets of Control Charts are different. What has changed?
The format of the case study should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for title page & text. Citations and references are not required. A basic APA tutorial can be found in Webliography and paper template can be found in Doc Sharing. The completed case study will be submitted to your Dropbox as a MS-Word document. All graphics and charts will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications such as WordPerfect or MS-Works will not be accepted.

Grading Rubrics

First Control Chart (40 Percent) Points Possible Points Earned Comments
All calculations are correct. 5
X-Bar & R charts are presented and correct. 5
All conditions of importance discussed. 10
Total 20
Second Control Chart (40 Percent) Points Possible Points Earned Comments
All calculations are correct. 5
X-Bar & R charts are presented and correct. 5
Differences between the two sets of Control Charts are thoroughly discussed. 10
Total 20
Mechanics (20 Percent) Points Possible Points Earned Comments:
The paper, including the title page follow APA guidelines for format. (References and citations not required) 2
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. 2
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. 2
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. 2
Spelling is correct. 2
Total 10
Total (100 Percent) Points Possible Points Earned Comments:

Below is a excel template were i have graphed the problem
and example of a case. 

X-bar and R-Chart   																																																		
This spreadsheet is designed for up to 50 samples, each of a constant sample size from 2 to 10.  Enter data ONLY in yellow-shaded cells.																																																		
Enter the number of samples in cell E6 and the sample size in cell E7.  Then enter your data in the grid below. 																																																		
Click on sheet tabs for a display of the control charts.  Specification limits may be entered in cells N7 and N8 for process capability.																																																		
Number of samples (<= 50)				25																																														
Sample size (2 - 10)				3																																														
Grand Average		402.8266667		A2	D3	D4	d2																																											
Average Range		30.88		1.023	0	2.574	1.693																																											
DATA	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20	21	22	23	24	25	26	27	28	29	30	31	32	33	34	35	36	37	38	39	40	41	42	43	44	45	46	47	48	49	50
1	414	408	396	390	398	400	444	360	376	342	400	408	382	402	399	460	404	375	391	394	396	370	481	398	428																									
2	388	382	402	398	442	400	390	372	398	400	402	414	430	409	424	375	420	380	392	399	416	411	450	398	406																									
3	402	406	392	362	436	414	410	362	382	402	384	388	400	400	413	445	437	410	414	380	400	403	451	415	390																									
Average	401.3333333	398.6666667	396.6666667	383.3333333	425.3333333	404.6666667	414.6666667	364.6666667	385.3333333	381.3333333	395.3333333	403.3333333	404	403.6666667	412	426.6666667	420.3333333	388.3333333	399	391	404	394.6666667	460.6666667	403.6666667	408	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A
LCLx-bar	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267	371.2364267
Center	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667	402.8266667
UCLx-bar	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067	434.4169067
Range	26	26	10	36	44	14	54	12	22	60	18	26	48	9	25	85	33	35	23	19	20	41	31	17	38	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A
LCLrange	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
Center	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88	30.88
UCLrange	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512	79.48512
DO NOT MODIFY THIS TABLE																																																		
	Control Chart Factors																																																	
n	A2	D3	D4	d2	A3	B3	B4																																											
2	1.88	0	3.267	1.128	2.659	0	3.267																																											
3	1.023	0	2.574	1.693	1.954	0	2.568																																											
4	0.729	0	2.282	2.059	1.628	0	2.266																																											
5	0.577	0	2.114	2.326	1.427	0	2.089																																											
6	0.483	0	2.004	2.534	1.287	0.03	1.97																																											
7	0.419	0.076	1.924	2.704	1.182	0.118	1.882																																											
8	0.373	0.136	1.864	2.847	1.099	0.185	1.815																																											
9	0.337	0.184	1.816	2.97	1.032	0.239	1.761																																											
10	0.308	0.223	1.777	3.078	0.975	0.284	1.716																																											
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