September 29, 2020
organization’s own policies and procedures
September 30, 2020

Casablana – 1942

Classic Film: The Research Essay Assignment
100 points
Essay Requirements:
1. 7-10 paragraphs (1,000 word minimum): This essay will contain more than 5 paragraphs!
2. Minimum 4-5 secondary sources using MLA documentation and Works Cited:
PLEASE NOTE: At least one source must come from the SPC Library Online Database.
3. Upon selecting and researching your topic, compose a minimum 1,000-word research essay with a minimum 1,000-word rough draft (this first draft will go to the Turnitin Drop Box).
4. In order for the final copy to be graded, a complete draft must be first submitted to the Turnitin Drop Box or an alternate assignment submitted to me (if you have selected not to use Turnitin).
Essay Topic: Classic Film
1. Select a classic film to view from the list below.
2. Next, find the opinions of at least two reputable critics. After viewing and researching your film, decide upon a specific focus or point-of-view about the film you have selected.
3. Create a tentative thesis and submit it to the appropriate Thesis Forum for peer review by your classmates and professor. Your thesis will focus on why you believe the film you have selected is considered a classic film today.
4. Once your thesis is peer reviewed by your classmates and approved by your professor, compose a minimum 1,000 word research essay with a minimum 1,000-word rough draft (which will be submitted in to the Turnitin Drop Box).
5. Include at least four to five credible research sources within your essay as well as a Works Cited section which are correctly formatted using MLA documentation. REMINDER: At least one source must come from the SPC Library Online Database.
6. Review the Research Essay Rubric (in the RESEARCH folder under ANGEL Lessons) as your guide for organizing, drafting, revising and editing this assignment.
Essay Guidelines:
1. Identify the film and its major stars within the introductory paragraph (italicize film titles).
2. Formulate a thesis statement in which you have provided a topic and focus on your film, based upon your perspective and research. This thesis must give your opinion as to why you believe this film is considered a classic, supported by at least three areas from the list of Items to Consider provided below.
3. After your introductory paragraph, begin the body of the paper by giving the reader a brief overview of the film, about 200 words. Do not write an extended plot summary.
4. The remaining body paragraphs will be developed using your ideas on the film as well as the properly documented research you have located from reviews and articles.
5. Remember, the purpose of this essay is to develop/support the focus you have stated within your thesis. So, write using only third person objective point-of-view with a persuasive tone.
6. Conclude the way you would any major essay with a strong concluding paragraph
Items to Consider:
Use at least three of the following as you organize and support the focus of your thesis.
1. What was the theme of this film? In other words, what were the filmmakers trying to tell the audience about life? Was the film successful in achieving this?
2. Who was your favorite character? Why? What was notable about this actor’s performance?
3. Who was your least favorite character? Why? What was it about their performance?
4. From whose point of view was the story filmed? Was this effective?
5. Analyze the use of music in the movie. Did it enhance the story the filmmakers were trying to tell? How?
6. Did all of the events portrayed in the film ring true? Why? Why not?
7. Describe the scenes you found especially accurate.
8. What uses of the camera emphasized the theme and the mood of the picture, i.e. long shots, close-ups, tracking shots, hand held shots, etc.
9. What did the scenery and lighting lend or detract from the storyline?
10. How did the editing affect the storyline, i.e. long scenes, quick cuttings, time jump cuttings, going quickly from one place to another, going from past to present and vice versa?