Article Analysis
May 20, 2020
What is expected from students?
May 20, 2020

Canadian society

Canadian society


Which of the four factors that affect Canadian society €“ the economy, politics, the media, and health & beauty €“ will most greatly affect the next 10 years of your life?



Paper instructions:
– Should be 6 Paragraphs ( 4 body, one intro and one conclusion)
– Start essay/intro with thesis (*must)
– Should have at least 6 sources (need to have at least 4 different types of sources)
– *the powerpoint given should be cited as (Williams, 2014).
– Use articles from reputable newspapers, reputable magazines, or scholarly journals as sources of evidence. (need to have at least at least 2 or 3 scholarly sources)
– Do not use time remarks. Ex. Throughout time or Through society or In mankind, etc.
Do not use words like therefore, thus or in conclusion
– should have 2 quotes per paragraph