Canada is often characterized as a multicultural society, as opposed to the United States which is characterized as a melting pot

Entrepreneurship in Action
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020

Canada is often characterized as a multicultural society, as opposed to the United States which is characterized as a melting pot

1. Canada is often characterized as a multicultural society, as opposed to the United States which is characterized as a melting pot. Use two of the above texts (all written by Canadians) to discuss multiculturalism in Canada, specifically focusing on the causes of multiculturalism and the outcomes of multiculturalism in Canada. Use specific examples from the texts in your assignment.
2. All of the texts above speak to a division or inscribed stereotypes based on racial or cultural identity. Speak to the problems that the idea of limits or borders presents for the main protagonists in two of the above texts. What are the reasons behind these stereotypes? What are the consequences of these stereotypes for the protagonists in the texts? Use specific examples from the texts in your assignment.