Answer the following questions below (the discussion question and the challenge question). Grades will be based on the originality of your content, your demonstration of mastery of the textbook material, and relevance to the topic of the forum. You are expected to use proper grammar and spelling, and APA format if you are referencing outside sources. Essentially, your assignment should be a short essay (4-7 paragraphs long) that focuses on explaining the weekly topic in a highly detailed, content-based way. Your essay needs to summarize the issue, take a definitive position, and present an argument for that position based on evidence covered in the textbook. You are required to mention the counter-arguments from the reading, which means that your argument must be balanced in its approach and present/discuss the research that both supports *and argues against* your position. Additionally, you must also the challenge question at the end of your essay. Your essay should be 3-5 paragraphs in length, and your response to the challenge question should be an additional 1-2 paragraphs.
These are not merely ‘reflection essays’ where you just express your opinion about the given issue; instead you are to explain the book content, demonstrate your knowledge and mastery of that content, and provide your own original thoughts and analysis on the issue. While it is appropriate to relate the course material to your personal life, your posts should try to strike a balance between opinion and research-based evidence. If you are going to refer to an online article or any other source, you MUST provide a citation in APA format at the end of your post otherwise it will be considered plagiarism.
** ONLY reference to be used is from the book**
Discussion Question: Can sex be addictive?
Discussion Question: What is involved in a 12-step program? How well do these programs address the specific issues involved in sex addiction? What might the Siegels criticize about the application of the alcoholic anonymous model to sex?
Book used for the course: Title: Taking Sides: Psychology Issues Author: Slife, Brent
Edition: 18TH
ISBN 13: 978-0-07-813961-1
Publisher: Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.