Calculate resting membrane potential of the set of cells

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May 3, 2020

Calculate resting membrane potential of the set of cells

An alien spacecraft has crash landed on Ram Plaza here on campus.  One of the space travelers seems to have survived, but with very serious injuries.  Before you can treat the traveler you must determine particular cellular facts so that you can administer the appropriate solutions.  After taking a cell sample you determine the concentrations listed below.  Using the data provided below calculate the resting membrane potential of this set of cells.  Is the inside negative or positive relative to the outside?


                                                                                     Ion                        Intracellular                        Extracellular                        Conductance

                                                                                                                                                            Concentration                        Concentration                                                


                                                                                                                        Cl-                                    4                                    25                                    .15

                                                                                                                        Na+                                    100                                    7                                    .21

                                                                                                                        K+                                    110                                    110                                    .10