Compare and critically review two academic business articles. You should use headings and clearly cover the key sections below:
Outline the most important arguments in each article giving an example of what is recommended and why that is recommended.
Critically evaluate how the two articles differ, particularly in terms of the evidence provided to support the main arguments.
Article 1: Holt, D (2016). Branding in the Age of Social Media. Harvard Business Review. March 2016. Article 2: Kohli, C, Suri, R, & Kapoor, A 2015, ‘Wil l social media kill branding?’, Business Horizons, 58, 1, pp. 35-44.
Note: Number of words – 1,500.
Executive Summary (approx 100 words)
Introduction (200 words)
Key Arguments of the Authors (400 words)
Differences in the Arguments (400 words)
Recommendations (300 words)
Conclusion (100 words)
– Approx. 4 to 6 sources
– Harvard Referencing Method
Note: Exec. Summary – write this after you have written and read through your report
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Posted on May 8, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions