Finance Project
September 11, 2020
In your own words, describe three different issues surrounding U.S. education, and provide solutions to each.
September 11, 2020

Business story portfolio

The marketing plan for my business is to ensure that my product reaches out to almost everyone in the town. This is because it is important for the product o have as much coverage as possible. The business intends to compete with the big companies in the market. Although it is not a recognized brand yet, it is much easier to reach the people and the fact that we incur fewer costs than our competitors mean that we can sell the goods cheaply as compared to the competitors. Being a small community, the good is likely to be a hit than the already established brand and people will be more receptive to our goods. Most people would prefer to get a good at a cheaper price than what they are getting. We are going to pass out leaflets and put up posters so that people can get awareness about the brand and for them to know where they can get. We will give free samples for the first two weeks of the business so that people get to be aware of the product(Ashbrook).

Professional Obituary

John Deeke of Paradise ranches passed on today morning. He had built his ranch from scratch portraying that he was such a good entrepreneur and businessman. He left behind his ranch of 1000 acres which is one of the largest ranches in the country. He finished his college education and failed to secure formal employment. Instead of sitting and contemplating his bad luck, he rented an ace land and grew tomatoes. He was a thrift businessman and was able to make a kill in his first harvest. He managed to buy a ranch where he worked so hard and employed a lot of people in the neighborhood. The idle youth were able to get some form of employment and improve their lives. John was an honest man and always paid his workers on time and did not pay them less than what they deserved. He made connections with other people and he managed to get important and huge markets for his good. His honest word and his reliability made both his suppliers and customers satisfied, and they always referred him to other customers. He also studied the markets very carefully to ensure that is crops are produced at the right time so that he can sell them at a fair price. He will be missed especially by his employees and his other colleagues. He made the life of those around him much better and was a very friendly person(Cape Gazette).

Interview Stories

Question: How did you start your agricultural company?

Answer: I am a young entrepreneur who has worked so hard to ensure the success if the agricultural industry. I finished college and failed to secure formal employment. Lack of employment was a very big blow since it was what was expected of everyone when they finished their education. I never gave up and decided to start my own agricultural company. It was unusual at the time since agriculture was left for the uneducated. Even without the support of my peers and those around me, I continued with my plans and within two years; I had already bought a 10 acre ranch. It was a huge success that I was making more than five times the people in formal employment were earning at the time. It was the best decision of my life. I don’t regret making the decision and, I chose to look at the situation rather differently than how most people do. I have even employed some of my former classmates. In ten years, I hope that the farm will have grown to be the largest agricultural company in the country(DBS Group).



In schools today, students have access to free internet that they should use to research on their studies and to communicate with their families. However, they use the internet for other things such as browse social networking sites instead of studying, some watch pornography while some download huge movies and songs. Watching of pornographic material and social websites is a waste of resources and time. The time could have been used in doing other important things such as studying. The moral decay in the society today is largely due to the internet(Ashbrook).


The community college was providing internet services for their students. However, the administrators noticed that most students used the internet for other things such as downloading movies and songs. There was a lot of time wasted. The school decided to cut back on the time that the students were allowed access to the school internet. In addition to this, the school blocked the addresses of popular social networking sites and pornographic sites. As much as the students did not appreciate this in the beginning, they got to spend a lot of time studying and, therefore, obtaining better grades. The school was also able to save on the internetcosts and even though they could not completely eradicate the problem; they made huge steps in dealing with it(Ashbrook).

Works cited

Web references

Ashbrook, Tom. On Point. 21 March 2013. 22 June 2014 <>.

Cape Gazzette. Cape Gazzete. 11 March 2014. 22 June 2014 <>.

DBS Group. What is Your Business 13 May 2014. 22 June 2014 <>.