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Business Letter

Business Letter

James Brown

Rasmussen Consulting

14 International Lane

Madison, Winscon 69400


April 17, 2015


Mr Raymond White

General Manager


14 Hill Street

Boston, Massachusetts 04782


Dear Mr. White:


On behalf of Rasmussen Consulting, I have done a research to determine the problems that your organization is facing in regard to recruiting the right workers, retaining them and making them buy to the vision of MovieFlix. One of the challenges that MovieFlix is facing is that there is likelihood that the organization may recruit wrong workers, who might not be in a position to carry out tasks related to subscription service for on-demand internet streaming media and DVD-by-mail effectively. The second problem is that there is likelihood that the skilled and experienced workers of MovieFlix might move to other organizations that may seem to be more attractive than MovieFlix. Lastly, there is probability that lack of adequate efforts by workers to steer MovieFlix to meet its vision will affect the ability of the company to meeting its goals. If not addressed properly and in timely manner, the quality of services offered by workers of MovieFlix to customers will decline. Further, their level of output will reduce. The problem will ultimately lead to a reduction in the level of financial performance of MovieFlix. The organization will also have a poor reputation. If the problems become extreme, the performance of the firm will fail and it will be closed.


There are various emerging issues surrounding the three fundamental problems that I have identified. To start with, there is lack of adequate pool of individuals in the labor market with the required skills, experience and knowledge needed by organizations in order to enhance their productivity in the short-term. Even though there might be some skilled experienced and knowledgeable individuals, it is difficult for an organization to attract them since they focus on organizations that offer them with the highest level of compensation and other incentives. Further, it has become difficult for organizations to retain their trained, skilled and experienced workers. This is due to the fact that almost all organizations are also competing to hire such people and some are willing to offer them with extra compensations and incentives in order to attract them. Even after training workers, they are likely to move to the organizations that are willing to offer tem with additional compensation and incentives. Lastly, workers hardly understand and work to meet an organization’s vision unless they are made to do so.


MovieFlix needs to undertake some steps in order to solve the problem. Firstly, the company should offer adequate motivational incentives to its experienced workers, including salary, time-off, rewards in recognition of good performance and pensions. The approach will help to solve the problem or retaining the existing workers. This should be the first step since the company might incur a lot of costs if it loses the current workers and engages in the process of recruiting and training new workers. Secondly, the leaders of MovieFlix should define the vision and goals of the organization to the workers and make each of them understand his or her responsibilities. In doing so, the workers will be motivated to focus on attaining the vision of the organization, which will enhance their productivity in the short- and long-term. The last step will be to ensure that the leaders of MovieFlix always recruit workers who are suited to the tasks undertaken in the organization. The focus may not be on recruiting experienced individuals; rather the firm should focus on attracting individuals who are motivated to carry out the organization’s tasks and to be associated with the organization and then offer them with training so that they gain the desired skills. As the leaders of MovieFlix undertake the above steps, my role will be to offer them with advice regarding the best strategies to adopt.


Yours Sincerely,


James Brown

Consultancy Assistant