Business Law The U.S. Government

May 18, 2020
:international business
May 18, 2020

Business Law The U.S. Government

Business Law The U.S. Government

Visit to answer the following questions:

1.    What are the requirements to become a U. S. Senator?

2.    Who represents Alabama in the U. S. Senate?  What party do they belong to?

3.    How many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are in the Senate?

4.    Who is the Majority Leader and what is his party?
5.    Who is the Minority Leader and what is his party?
6.    Who is responsible for reporting all bills, messages from the House, conference reports, and amendments to the Senate?

7.    What is a Senator’s salary?
8.    How many women have served in the Senate?

9.    How many minorities have served in the Senate?
10.    Who were the first African-American man and woman to serve in the Senate?

Visit to answer the following questions:

1.    How many representatives does Alabama have?
2.    List representatives from Alabama.

Visit to answer the following questions:

1.    For what type of special occasions will the President send you a greeting?
2.    List three Cabinet positions and the heads of that position.

3.    List three offices included in the Executive Office of the President.