Business -Foreign Direct Investment

Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020

Business -Foreign Direct Investment




The requests for the project from the teacher: €“ I will upload the full document

One of the major destinations of FDI during the last years is South America. Through this perspective and by selecting a specific country or a sub-region of South America explain the FDI strategies adopted by the host-region governments and analyze MNE’s entry modes taking under consideration the contemporary ethical concerns they face.

Theoretical Background (different strategies available for MNE’s, ethical discussion on current pressing issues) €“ Case analysis (Information regarding the country/region selected and the data that have been located, extracted and utilized.)

My explanation for the project:

Basically the project has two main parts:

1st part: Theory

– it is important that the theoretical part includes the following: FDI strategies adopted by the host-region governments (the government of the country in Latin America where the FDI was done) to attract FDI and analyze MNE’s entry modes taking under consideration the contemporary ethical concerns they face).

2nd part: Case analysis €“ chose a multinational company that has done FDI in a country in Latin America (In Mexico, in Brazil etc. ) and analyze it

You need to find a multinational company that has done FDI in Latin America (either through Greenfield Investment or through Merger and Acquisition), and analyze it by providing information regarding the country where the FDI has been done, the FDI entry mode that it has chosen, the ethical issues that the MNC is facing €“ pollution, sustainability, social issues( CSR)