Business Communication: Building Critical Skills; Memo writing

Dictatorships and the Second World War Discussion: What was the relationship between the First and Second World Wars? In what ways are they two separa
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Business Communication: Building Critical Skills; Memo writing

MEMOTO: All employees; Victoria MediaFROM: Brandon Rammrath, President B.RDATE: April 18 2011SUBJECT: Adjustment of the Retirement Contribution SchemeDue to the heightening costs of health insurance, the board of directors regrets to announce a decision to reduce the companys contribution to the retirement plan from the current 7% of each employees monthly gross pay to 4% of their gross monthly income beginning 1 January 2012.However, the new Retirement Contribution Plan allows willing employees to successively raise their monthly contribution from the usual 7% up to 11% of their monthly pay to compensate for the 3 % reduction of the companys contribution.The Health insurance program generally remains unchanged for the concerned parties, even as the costs to the company continue to soar.Thanks