The House on Mango Street
May 26, 2020
Functional Areas Categories of strength
May 26, 2020

Business and law

Business and law
1. In the film, Legally Blonde, Brooke Taylor-Windham (can be found on youtube) is charged with the murder of her husband. Assuming that the events in the film happened in the United Kingdom, describe the judicial route that the case would take starting from the court in which the case will begin, where the trial would be heard and where an appeal would be heard.
You must describe the role of each court and the legal personnel involved, that is, the type of judges, the role of the solicitor and barrister and the role of the judge and the jury at the trial.

2. In the film, Brooke sacks her lawyer, Professor Callahan. Assuming that the events in the film happened in the UK and that Brooke lost her case as a result of professor Callahan’s negligence, discuss with the aid of case law, professor Callahan’s liability, if any, to Brook.