Business Administration- Specializing in Public Administration

May 18, 2020
Security Planning and Assessment Pro2
May 18, 2020

Business Administration- Specializing in Public Administration

Business Administration- Specializing in Public Administration

From your experience (observable events), develop a list of 8 to 10 topics of interest around your field of study. Using the NCU library, locate peer-reviewed journal articles around your topics of interest. (Create annotated bibliography entries for each article you review.) Using your topics and the literature reviewed; formulate 3 to 5 possible topic areas of interest. These topics should have the potential for doctoral level research. (Refer to your reading in Leedy and Ormrod (2010) for the definition of doctoral level research.) Each topic should be presented succinctly; should be supported by personal observations; and should have at least one related citation from the literature. Length: 5-7 pages (app. 350 words per page). Include at least one reference.
My Topic of interest: Public Administration/ Women in Business etc. (something along those lines. I’m still deciding on my Dissertation topic, My Doctorate is in Business Administration- Specializing in Public Administration)

Length: 5 pages (app. 350 words per page). Include at least one reference.