July 18, 2020
Trade and Environmental Law
July 19, 2020

Business Administration

Business AdministrationAssignment-1 Maximum Marks: 20? Assignment should be uploaded with the student portal1. Trace the History of Business. : ( hint: Industrial revolution, Laissez faire and entrepreneurial era, production era, marketing era, global era, internet era)2. Select two businesses with which you have some familiarity.
a) Identify the major elements of their environments that are most likely to affect them in important and meaningful ways.
b) Identify some specific ethical or social responsibility issues that might be faced by its managers and employees in each of the following areas:
I. Environment
II. Customers
III. Employees
IV. Investors
? Sign this page and put it as cover of your assignment
? The report shall have a Title Page with Student Names & ID, Course Title, Course ID, Instructor Name & Date
? The 3rd Page in the report shall contain Table of Contents, Table of Figures if any
? The Last Page of the Report shall contain References only
? Use 12 Fonts (Times New Roman or Calibri in Black Colors) with 1.5 Line Spacing
? The Assignment should be done Individual.