Buddhism Beliefs and Rituals

September 9, 2020
Modern slang is increasingly becoming more popular in modern social media communication
September 9, 2020

Buddhism Beliefs and Rituals

Buddhism Beliefs and Rituals

There are many diverse religions exist around the world and Buddhism in one such religion. Essentially, Buddhism is a polytheistic religion founded by a man named Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha. Buddhists believe in reincarnation and nirvanathat in order to achieve happiness and stop all suffering, one must give up all worldly attachments and desires by living a life of poverty. As such, this essay discusses the different beliefs and rituals of Buddhism.

Primarily, Buddhists have a set of beliefs, referred to as the four noble truths, which form the basis of the religion. To begin with, Buddhists believe that death. In addition, life also presents loneliness, disappointment, fear, and anger. Samudaya, which asserts that craving and hatred cause suffering. wanting deprives us contentment and happiness. The third noble truth or belief known as Nirvana affirms that believers can overcome suffering and attain happiness. Broadly, the Nirvana declares that by giving up craving and living each day at a time, happiness and freedom can be achieved. Finally, the fourth noble belief is that the noble 8-fold path is the path that leads to the cessation of suffering. In summary, the Noble 8-fold

The second ritual that Buddhists engage in is chanting