Develop drug to treat neurodegenerative disease Order Description Currently there are no treatments that can reverse or even halt the progress of neur
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“Browns Fashion” Store!

“Browns Fashion” Store!

Project description
make a good research the “Browns Fashion” Store on 23-27 SOUTH MOLTON STREET,LONDON (here is a link to the website – which should include the Store’s history,concept,events,windows (past and present),clients etc.

this is a structure of the task :
1) introduction
2) products & collections,designers of the store (what is presenting there,what is special about the store,what makes it different and what is its concept)
3) branding,advertising and PR of the store,events heppening there
4) online shopping of the store
5) pen portrait|consumer profile
6) past windows displays (some analyses)
7) present windows displays (some analyses)
8) composition and design (the stores signatures)
9) summary
10) refrences

VISUALS (photos,pictures etc.) MUST BE INCLUDED!