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August 31, 2020
Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Academic Essay
August 31, 2020

Brown V. Board of Education

Brown V. Board of Education

Paper instructions:
Your task is to find a 10 great scholarly questions from history books, reliable college internet academic databases, and or articles only. once you find the 10

great scholarly question put brackets around to form a quote. And defined what that means to you in term of a famous United States Court cases Brown V. Board of

Education.  Your argument and quotes you like extracted from books, article, and academic database book or article must support Brown V. Board of education.

The quotes that you picked extracted from a sentences of an article or book must be appropriate that it geared towards Brown V. Board of Education.

This is an example of format how question I want to be answered examples of format and questions:

#1 first you will put the quotes you find here first line etc on first line here How I love cheese burger. (Appropriate quote first line)
*You will interpret and explain in your opinion and base on your knowledge areas in United States History of providing your educated opinion on what that quote is

trying to say then*  (Explain what that quote means to you educated way)
(This paragraph) Base on how your reasoning what you think the quote is saying base on your comprehension and knowledge in history provide a valid arguments in

3-4 paragraphs.

Here’s a visual example:

It is often said that no theory of constitutional interpretation is sound if it cannot explain and justify Brown v. Board of Education.(Balkin, x-xi) Finally,

Brown has become a symbol of the role of courts in democracy. (Balkin, xi)

Balkin is saying that most cases have to somehow include Brown v. Board of education as an evidence for the case to be sound. It can be seen as a democracy

where an equality in people is. In this book Balkin illustrates the different ways that the case Brown v Board of Education has impacted many courts and the

constitution. He also uses severe example to show the importance of this case.
Depending on your chosen quotes extracted from a book or article from a college academic research database. You can bring some creatively, uniqueness, and

different to stand out from other people.

Be thoughtful, unique, and different when writing and interpreting this.

sample: I have a dream Martin Luther King Jr. This quotes has (history surrounding the quote) And then relating it to past and how it still continue in the

present and so on. This is a sample. Pleased do not used this.