Should Taxes On People Making Over $250000 Be Changed
May 19, 2020
case study of Northern Rock
May 19, 2020

Brown Goldman Case


Project 1: Brown Goldman Case (PORTFOLIO)
Criminal case files are prepared by investigators and serve to provide records regarding instances of criminal conduct, charges filed, evidence collected, and other

details as to the facts of the events surrounding the crime.
The purpose of this project is to help you conduct an investigation of a known criminal case and prepare a case file with all the details of the crime committed as

well as any information regarding verdicts, convictions, and sentencing.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
    Describe the process of criminal investigation.
    Compare and contrast different types of evidence and its role in criminal investigative processes.
    Analyze the major investigative techniques used in criminal investigation.
    Investigate the role of deception by police investigators during interrogations and various tools used to uncover deception.
    Describe the process of arresting a suspect.
    Explain the importance of an investigator’s testimony in court proceedings, following the completion of an investigation.
    Analyze ethical standards and challenges faced by investigators.
    Apply investigative tools and resources to the criminal investigation process.
    Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library to assess various criminal investigative procedures and skills.
Required Source Information and Tools
    SmartDraw
    Interview of O.J.  Simpson By Vanatter and Lange

    Synopsis of evidence used in the O.J.  Simpson case

    Synopsis of the entire O.J.  Simpson Case

    List of evidence used in the O.J.  Simpson Case

    Timeline of O.J.  Simpson Murder

    Overview of the Case

    Oral interview of O.J.  Simpson by Vannatter and Lange
Project Logistics
    Begin your project with a review of the Brown-Goldman murder case in Los Angeles, California. Get familiar with the case at hand. Read and reread the case and

obtain full understanding. Read the tasks below to get a clear idea of what is expected out of your project. Take notes while reading.
    Create a timeline of the case. Begin with when the crime took place, when it got reported, and include all major events that led up to the court case, the

trial, and the verdict.
    Prepare a case evaluation. Include the following four marginal headings:
o    Facts of Case
o    Prosecution Evidence
o    Defense Evidence
o    Conclusion (Conclusion of the trial)
    Review the investigative techniques used in the crime. List all the evidence that was found at the crime scene and other implicating evidence that was recorded

and used in trial. Include pictures in your report.
    Analyze the criminal investigation of the case. Point out the loopholes and things that could have been done better. Determine areas that the investigators

    View some of the debriefing videos and oral interviews available online. Develop your own set of questions for debriefing O.J.  Simpson.
    Reconstruct the crime scene in SmartDraw using various pictures of the crime scene available online.
    Construct your own theory of crime, keeping in mind the evidence gathered and recorded statements of all witnesses and suspect.
You will submit your completed case file of the crime and SmartDraw drawing for grading. This assignment is for homework. You are required to complete it outside of

class. Your answers to the tasks must be typed in a 10- to 11-page Word document, using the following:
    Font: Arial; 12-point
    Line spacing: Double
Write in your own words and avoid plagiarism. If you include quotations or information from other sources, provide appropriate citations using APA.
    Project start: Unit 1
    Project submit: Unit 6

Self-Assessment Checklist
1.    Do you have your name on the report?
2.    Did you review the case?
3.    Did you create a timeline of events leading to the final hearing for the case?
4.    Did you write a case evaluation report?
5.    Did you analyze the evidence collected at the crime scene?
6.    Did you analyze the criminal investigation technique used and the loopholes in this technique?
7.    Did you prepare questions for debriefing O.J.  Simpson?
8.    Did you prepare a theory of crime based on the facts available?
9.    Did you complete a picture of the original crime scene using SmartDraw?