Briefly discuss the procedure that would be followed when conducting the research.

Explain the type of data you plan touse for your dissertation, and how you plan to collect that data.
July 24, 2020
Determine what factors most affect the industry.
July 25, 2020

Briefly discuss the procedure that would be followed when conducting the research.

In your final paper for this course, you will need to write asection that is about 4 pages long where you will assess and evaluate the methods of research.In preparation for this particular section, answer the following questions thoroughly and provide justification/support. The more complete and detailed your answers for these questions, the better prepared you are to successfully write your final paper.Please submit your answers as a single 4- to 6-page document as a numbered list; this will ensure you do not inadvertently miss a question.Additionally, please submit a title page and a reference page in proper APA format.