Topic: Bridging Cultures
UNIT TITLE: Bridging Cultures
Assessment type: Reflective essay
Due date: The assignment will be handed to the lecturer in class
Links to unit objectives: 1, 2 and 3
Brief description: A reflective essay focused on emotional and cultural intelligence, theoretical backgrounds and
application to transitions between cultures and within multicultural communities including a reflection on personal
development in relation to these issues. Students will address the following;
CQ Means cultural intelligence
Key Questions:
Part A: (Approximately 80% of the assignment)
Increasingly authors/researchers refer to a variety of forms of intelligence as they apply to work/business contexts and also
to global transitions. The most recent of these are Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence. Definitions have been
provided by different researchers in the area with varying suggestions about the possibility of enhancing individuals’ skills
and levels in each of these areas.
With reference to other traditionally accepted forms/definitions of intelligence, for example IQ and multiple intelligences,
define emotional and cultural intelligence referring to recent definitions and theories focusing on this area. Clearly
outline also the relationship/difference between emotional and cultural intelligence and discuss in particular the relevance
and applicability of cultural intelligence to transitions between cultures and global business operations.
Historically research on IQ has suggested that there is a large inherited /genetic component and therefore the possibility of
increasing one’s IQ score is limited. Theorists discussing emotional and cultural intelligence suggest that they can both be
developed through a variety of methods.
Discuss the evidence which has been provided for the extent to which the development of emotional and cultural intelligence
is possible and the ways in which this development might occur.
Part B: (Approximately 20% of the assignment)
Reflect on your own development and changes in perceptions, behaviours and responses to cross cultural/multicultural
situations prior to and during the course. This may include previous experiences moving between countries and cultures.
Outline how your awareness may have developed and the degree to which you might be culturally intelligent/ culturally
Outline some action orientated goals for your further personal development in relation to this area as a result of or after
completing this course.
Note this assignment will be written part in the third person and part in the first person due to the different elements of
theory and personal reflection. Maximum: 2000 words
The essay must cover the following;
defining intelligence and discussing the differnt types briefly , then moving on to discuss emotional intelligence and
cultural intelligence¦¦¦¦.you will need to define each¦¦¦.in the case of CQ giving examples of different
theories( see my lecture notes & readings) then;
Discuss/argue whether they are the same or different concepts and why,
then;discuss argue whether or not CQ can be developed¦in relations to this you need to include discussion of personality.
For instance are some people born with a certain personality which makes them more likely to be more to other cultures
and more able to develop CQ and are some others born with personalities which may mean that they might have difficulty
developing CQ.
Please see the abstract in my lecture notes from Ang et al. which discusses this with evidence relating to the four factor
model of CQ and the Big Five personality trait model.
CQ Means cultural intelligence
The attached Power Point slides are focussed on the topic of CQ which is the focus of your essay for this subject.
There are articles in the CMD to make a start with.
Also please have a look at the PDF file which is attached on the attached files look at pages from 11 to 14 it’s also about
the essay and how you need to do it.