book review;The Heart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Ken Blanchard

The rise of the BRICS does not aid the emancipation of the Global South. Discuss.
June 15, 2020
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June 15, 2020

book review;The Heart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Ken Blanchard

book review;The Heart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Ken Blanchard

Order Description

the book name : The Heart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Ken Blanchard

The report should include (at a minimum):
book title and author;
storyline/what the book is about; and, most importantly, the significance to someone planning a career in higher education administration:
How does the content apply to topics already studied?
What can we learn?
What is the significance?