Board Meeting & Data analysis

Board Meeting 4
August 11, 2020
Vocabulary Essay
August 11, 2020

Board Meeting & Data analysis

First part of this paperwork (2100 words)This is a group work, and we have already chosen the Three agendas to writing into this group paper, which are the 2rd, 5th, and 6th agendas topic (have writing 700 words for each agenda topic). To writing each of the agenda, you have to explain why choose this agenda, and also have to explain why you are not choosing other agenda topic. And each agenda have 4 options, we have already chosen option in each of these Three agendas (on above),that means each agendas have to write one option, which are 2rd agenda topic choose [Option C], 5th agenda topic choose [Option A], and 6th agenda topic choose [Option A], and also explain why choose this option in each agenda topic; also have to explain the reason why you are not choose other three options. [I already uploaded a sample of other groups similar work, you may have a look and the formats are all same (file name is JUST A SAMPLE a word document, this is other groups work .doc)].You have to using this document template to working this paperwork.
(BM6101 WRSX meeting report template.doc)Please please have to be using the above template.Second part of this paperwork (700 words)Because we already selected the first part agenda topics, so after you finished the first part, also have to write 700 words data analysis, to analysis the week 4 data to compare with the week 3 data, especially the share price part, all the data will upload files I already uploaded to my order [files name: Week Three Data, and Week Four Data,]. You have to using these data to analysis my work.This is an analysis coursework, to analysis the agenda topic data. And I already uploaded the data to this order as well. Now you have to using these data to do the analysis, the requirements of this analysis report has already uploaded to my order, this requirement file named (Analysis data requirements), it is a picture to showing you how to analysis these data.Our data has already figured out, there are two pictures that I uploaded to my order will showing to you about our group figures/data results (file named: Week Three Data, and Week Four Data), have to using these data writing into the second part of this paperwork. ThanksIt will start to write this second part data analysis after you finish the first part paperwork. These two works are separately.Dont worry, I will uploaded Both First Part and Second Part (data analysis) Sample to you, it is can be make you more clearly know how to writing these paperwork.Important:To write this group work, this article cannot casually write it, you have to followed by our groups Business Plan (Business Plan Final.doc), different group have the different Business Plan. And I also uploaded the sources, inside these files(sources) have lots of information and requests, please be followed them. To writing this paperwork you have also using the theory in some books (Book title e.g Exploping Strategy TEXT and CASES; Gerry Johnson; and Richard Whitington).I uploaded some files, and these files you have to view, inside these files, and there are some instructions of how do we writing our group work. And also professor said, to writing this coursework, we cant using our own ideas, we MUST using the PDF resource files that the professor gives to us to writing and completed our work, the PDF file name is (WRSX Business Environment). Please and please have a look and based on this document to write.In this paperwork, professor let us at Least using four theories.Please have a look all the files I uploaded online.