Blood test support as the childs biological father

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April 6, 2020
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Blood test support as the childs biological father

1. A child is born with blood type A-. The mother has blood type O+. The identity of the child’s biological father is in question and a blood test is the first test used to determine which of two possible men may be the father. Male #1 has blood type AB+, male #2 has blood type B-. Which father does the blood test support as the child’s biological father?

A) Both 1 & 2 could be the father based on this data
B) 1
C) Neither male could be the biological father
D) 2
E) It is impossible to distinguish between the two males

2. Morgan and his colleagues worked out a set of symbols to represent fly genotypes. Which of the following are representative?

A) 46, XY or 46, XX
B) vg+vgse+se × vgvgsese
C) AaBb × AaBb
D) +2 × +3
E) IAi or ii