Evaluate the Current Layout by computing a load distance score for the current layout
July 8, 2020
Accounting Ethics
July 8, 2020



This is also an opportunity to practice your writing skills, demonstrate your understanding of the material presented in the module, and be creative.

A good blog will


be between 300- 500 words in length (unless otherwise stated)


demonstrate that you have watched the lectures, read the readings, and actually thought about the topic (this is made easier if you engage in the discussion forum)


bring across your individual perspective – what you agreed with or didn’t agree with, concepts that you found difficult etc


be written with a clear audience in mind – you can state at the start who this might be – but always a general audience (eg your peers, school students, parents, voters but not experts in this field)


reference sources (this could be URLs, lectures, the discussion forum, or other blog posts by students)


be written in the first person (eg. I thought that. )


be creative (feel free to use visual methods as well)!

Note – you do not have to agree with the lecturers to get a good mark! We’re looking for evidence that you have genuinely thought about the topic, not just regurgitated content.

Examples of blogs about science:

If you are unsure what a blog is, have a look at some professional science blogs online such as:


Scientific American blog 

Discover Magazine blog: 

National Geographic blog: 

Marking rubric:

The blogs are marked according to the following rubric. Your feedback will come in the form of numbers derived from this rubric (eg 2,1,1,0,2) would mean that you submitted your blogpost, had probably watched the lectures but not paid much attention to the readings, summarised the content adequately, just repeated content with no evidence of independent or critical thinking, but had excellent sentence structure and writing skills. The overall mark would be 6/10 (B-).

Have a look at the marking rubric for the blogs. and maybe even try to mark your own blog against this rubric.

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