biological/physiological, evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, sociocultural, eclectic

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March 31, 2020
Critical Review for the Article
March 31, 2020

biological/physiological, evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, sociocultural, eclectic

biological/physiological, evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, sociocultural, eclectic

Paper instructions:
Find a newspaper or magazine article that discusses a particular behavior such as depression, obesity, anxiety, attraction, etc. Write a 3-5 page paper that summarizes the article and identify the perspective(s) that the author(s) suggest as the cause of the behavior. In your discussion, you must explain in your own words the meaning of the perspective. The perspectives: biological/physiological, evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, sociocultural, eclectic.