Becoming an effective leader

Heroic Masculinities
March 17, 2020
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March 17, 2020

Becoming an effective leader

Becoming an effective leader

Identify a well-known, real-world business leader who encompasses your leadership philosophy or style (e.g., Andrew Carnegie, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates).

1. Analyze the leadership theory that best reflects the chosen business leader’s leadership style based on a published scholarly leadership framework.

a. Include at least one cited academic source to frame your analysis.

2. Discuss how at least two of the leader’s characteristics can be used to inspire employees.

B. Discuss three personal long-term SMART goals (3–5 year goals) you are committed to that relate to your professional leadership development.

1. Discuss two personal short-term SMART goals related to professional leadership development.

2. Discuss the knowledge, skills, or attitudes needed to achieve each of the five goals.

3. Discuss at least two leadership strengths that you bring to an organization.

a. Explain how you will leverage the strengths identified in part B3 to achieve your professional goals.

4. Discuss at least two leadership skills that you need to develop further.

a. Develop at least two SMART goals to help further develop the skills identified in part B4.

5. Reflect on how the SMART goals from parts B, B1, and B4a will support your professional growth.

C. Discuss the importance of upholding ethical decision making as a leader.

1. Discuss at least three consequences of unethical decision making.

D. Discuss a business scenario (from personal experience or from one that received public attention) in which leadership was not effective.

1. Justify why the leadership in the scenario was not effective, using principles from at least one leadership theory.

2. Discuss how you would use your leadership strengths discussed in part B3 to improve the outcome of the scenario.

3. Discuss how you would enhance the leadership skills discussed in part B4 to improve the outcome of the scenario.

E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format