Based on your self-assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses regarding working on a team?

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Based on your self-assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses regarding working on a team?

Hello I was wondering if you would like to do the assigment below. I have included the instructions, my score from the assessment and the range for each catetgory. The assignment is due Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 1730 (5:30pm). Please let me know what you think. Thanksthe Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness self-assessment.
a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Score : 24 pts.20 25 pts.High contributionScore : 18 pts.13 23 pts.Moderate level of interactionScore : 25 pts.20 25 pts.Highly skilled at keeping on trackScore : 15 pts.12 15 pts.High quality expectationsScore : 10 pts.8 10 pts.Highly relevant knowledge and skillsScore : 92 pts.84 105 pts.Highly effective team memberHigh contributionModerate contributionLow contributionHigh level of interactionModerate level of interactionLow level of interactionHighly skilled at keeping on trackModerately skilled at keeping on trackNot very skilled at keeping on trackHigh quality expectationsModerate quality expectationsLow quality expectationsHighly relevant knowledge and skillsModerately relevant knowledge and skillsNot particularly relevant knowledge and skillsLess effective team memberModerately effective team memberHighly effective team member