Barriers that Inhibit my Success in Imperial Valley College

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Barriers that Inhibit my Success in Imperial Valley College

Barriers that Inhibit my Success in Imperial Valley College

I am a student at Imperial Valley College (IVC) and working very hard to achieve my goals of becoming a nurse and work in a busy hospital. I am a second-year student in the college and already enjoying every bit of the learning process and interacting with my colleagues. I come from a low-income family, and my goal is to work hard, get a job and help my siblings to pursue their college studies. I am faced with some challenges like the financia

First, since I come from a poor background, I face financial challenges, and I cannot meet all my college needs especially the cost of the learning materials, food, and other personal essentials. The financial problem is quite serious, and I have to depend on the college assistance kitty to support myself. Paying fees is also a challenge as the aid advanced by the government does not clear all the amount since I take a total of fourteen units in a semester and the scholarship aid only pays for twelve units. Paying for the remaining two units is not easy for me andIfeel that the challenge is affecting my performance in college.

The other challenge I am visually impaired and use optical glasses during study time and when performing other chores. I cannot concentrate for long hours as my eyes start aching after reading for one hour, which is a big challenge also need more powerful glasses, but with my financial strains in college, it is impossible to acquire them. I find it difficult to work with computers as my eyes cannot withstand the light from the screen.

The other challenges are personal and habitual problems as I have developed low self-esteem due to the other difficulties I face in college. I feel that I should have enough funds to cater for my expenses like other students, a factor that makes me feel inferior as I have a lot of financial challenges. I cannot attend entertainment functions such as dances, and concerts like my colleagues, which make me hate myself contributing to my low self-esteem. Low self-esteem has made me indulge in smoking cheap cigarettes from quacks, a habit that I hate but I cannot control. I am already addicted and whenever I feel lonely and disturbed, I take a cigarette and feel good. I am afraid that I may result in a more serious problem such as smoking marijuana or alcoholism and would like somebody to help yet I cannot open my problems due to my low self-esteem. If somebody can help me face my challenges with courage, I will appreciate since I know that there are others with similar challenges and coping with life.